Fear of Failure?

How many times have you had an idea but been too afraid to act on it? Why is that? Are you afraid of failure? Are you afraid that others will not approve of your idea? Doing something new can be scary sometimes, but we shouldn’t let that fear keep us from doing something that could be amazing!

Do not let fear of failure keep you from going after your dreams Continue reading

Creating a Legacy

Creating a Legacy

Have you ever thought about how you want to be remembered? How others would describe you? What your family and friends think of when they think of you?

This has been on my mind lately. I have been looking at everything differently. So many things that consumed my daily life just don’t seem that important in the long run. Continue reading

Our Love Story: High School Sweethearts

My husband and I just celebrated our 5th anniversary!! I seriously can’t believe it has already been 5 years. These have been some amazing 5 years. They have had their difficult seasons, and we are not perfect still, but overall, they have probably been the best years of my life! Having someone who you share your life and secrets with and who you can call your best friend is amazing!


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Why I Still Rock my Son to Sleep

Have you ever found yourself looking back and wishing for the “good ol’ days”? Or maybe you spend more time looking forward to something in the future?

I have always had the problem of “living in the future”. If I am going through something difficult (finishing up college, for example) then I will tell myself to just “get through it”. I then get so caught up in the “just get though it” mindset that I don’t enjoy life in the moment. Does this sound familiar at all to you, or am I just crazy? It could very well be a possibility. 😉

Mother Son

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A Letter to Mothers

This year is my second year celebrating Mother’s Day as a mama. I have always loved Mother’s Day! As a little girl, my sister and I would write out little poems or songs for my mom. Or we would pick out the perfect card and go outside and cut the best looking roses off my moms rose bushes. 😉 Our goal was to make my mom smile and to let her know she was loved. I always thought it was such a good idea to make her know how appreciated she was and I loved that there was a special day set aside just for that! But it is also important to make sure that mothers know that they are needed and appreciated every single day! So, I have written a little letter to all you mamas out there 🙂

A Letter to Mothers

Dear Mothers,

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My Guest Post on The Home Loving Wife

Hello everyone!! I know, I know, you are probably thinking “wait a minute, she just posted something yesterday!” Well, today, I just wanted to let you all know that I am guest posting over at my friend Kelsey’s blog, The Home Loving Wife!

I share something that is very important to me, especially as a new mama, but it can totally relate to anyone, really! I am so excited to be able to have the opportunity to share my thoughts with a much larger audience on Kelsey’s blog. She is super sweet and she has some awesome work on her blog, so I hope you will take some time (after reading my post, of course 😉 ) to check out her blog! So grab a coffee, sit down, and stay a while. 🙂

You can read my post here! 🙂 I hope you love it!




Investing in your marriage: Weekend Trip

What is it that makes your marriage stronger? Is it weekly dates? Is it buying each other gifts? Maybe it is when you help each other with different chores you have to get done? Whatever it might be, do you do these things often enough? I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure I am investing in my relationship with the person I am going to be spending the rest of my life with.

For my husband and I, we love experiencing things together. One way we especially enjoy doing this is by taking trips together. Sitting in the car and then exploring our destination together has always been the best bonding time for us. Continue reading

No Sweeter Sound

There is no sweeter sound than hearing your child laughing!

As I stood by the sink washing dishes from dinner tonight, I could hear my husband and my son in the other room. I had just been complaining to myself that there was always so much clean up that needed to happen at the end of the day. As I listened, I noticed that they were both laughing! A LOT! It was just another reminder to soak in all the little moments. Continue reading

A letter to my Son

I came across an idea on Pinterest as I was searching baby things the day I found out I was expecting my son. It was this idea to start a journal for each child. I immediately went out and bought a special journal so that I could document my feelings and special memories during my pregnancy. Continue reading